Akad Center for Economic and Financial Studies / Electronic Scientific Symposium on Economic Diplomacy: Foundations and Applications Selected Models

Electronic Scientific Symposium on Economic Diplomacy: Foundations and Applications Selected Models

October 25, 2021

The Akkad Center for Economic Studies is holding an electronic scientific seminar entitled “Economic Diplomacy: Foundations and Applications Selected Models,” in which  Professor  Dr. Nozad Abdul Rahman Al-Hiti,  Professor of Political Economy at the Diplomatic Institute and Senior Advisor at the Qatari Ministry of Foreign Affairs, and Professor  Dr. Hassan Latif Al Zubaidi,  Professor of Economics at the Faculty of Management and Economics, Kufa University and Director of the Rafidain Center for Dialogue. This is at 7:00 p.m. Baghdad time on Saturday, 10/30/2021 via  FCC.  The session is moderated by  Prof. Dr.  Ahmed Jassim Al Yasiri and Prof.  Dr.  Akeel Hamza Habeeb Alhasnawi, Board Director of the Akkad Center for Economic and Financial Studies. Participants in the symposium are awarded a certificate of participation.

Meeting ID: heidernima2

Prof. Dr.Nozad Al-Hiti

Prof. Dr. Hassan Al-Zubaidi

Prof. Dr.  Ahmed Al-Yasiri

Prof. Dr. Akeel Al-Hasnawi

Prof. Dr. Haidar Nema Bakhit